Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Do over .... (Due: Aril 7)

This is your chance to retool one of the stories you've done.

Repackage ... repurpose ... scrap it and start over.

Impress the judges (yes, there may be some professionals helping judge these) with what you've learned and show improvement over your last effort on the same topic.

** late assignments will be downgraded **

Multi-platform story (Due March 31)

This assignment is designed to test your ability to tell the same story in varied formats:

-- one form will be written (AP style)

-- on form can be video or audio

Each story must:
--  have a min. of three sources

-- include original reporting (no repurposed content allowed in this one)

**late assignments will be downgraded**

HOW TO .... (due March 17)

A 10-step multi-media instructional report. This can include photos, videos, text, graphics, audio, etc. and should be related to your topic/subject area.

(I suggest you think about integrating various forms of media into your report)

** Late assignments will be downgraded**

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


This story from the NY Times ties to today's class discussion.

Q and A (DUE: Tuesday, Feb. 24 @9:30 a.m.)

You will produce a "Q&A" (question and answer) with an interview subject on a topic that relates to your blog theme.
The types of media used are up to you. (you must use at least 2)
Additional credit will be given for thorough questioning, creativity in use of media and the use of multiple forms of media.

Late assignments will be dropped one letter grade for each day the assignment is late.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Please read ...

Here is a great example of impact reporting from Boston.com

If you were asked to add more to this, what would you suggest?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Random bits ...

As mentioned in the email earlier today, some of you are doing some good stuff with your blogs. I'd encourage you to read your classmates' blogs (including my extremely valuable comments) so you can get ideas of how they presented their content and/or some story ideas.